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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bumper for Bundled HDD Application Guideline

Install Instructions for BBS HDD Bundle Bumpers

    Bundled directional drilling applications present a unique challenge in the pipeline world.  Something must be done to prevent the different pipe sections from damaging one another.

    The BBS System is primarily comprised of two general component groups:

1.        A specially formulated and designed rubber bumper material that has been carefully selected, evaluated and proven to do what it is supposed to do.

2.        A heat shrinkable vehicle with a long use history, proven to survive directional drilling applications with ease, used to hold the bumper in place throughout the pulling process (and beyond). 

  In my experience, factory applied pipeline coatings receive an alarming amount of damage being moved around the pipe coating yard, loaded onto trucks, transported to who knows where, and unloaded at a job site.  Imagine the additional damage that a pipeline will receive when it is being dragged through a hole in the ground interacting with other pipelines at the exact same time. 

  The scariest thing is that these pipelines that are involved in directional drilling applications are never going to be seen again.  If they are damaged, then the only option is to hope that the cathodic protection will properly protect any holidays.  That is complicated as well though!  Because now you’ll have multiple other pipelines potentially surrounding a damaged or even a bare section of pipe!  

  In the world of bundled pipeline directional drilling, there are a number of things that have been used.  Some are as simple as rope with duct tape wrapped around it.  I can’t imagine anyone truly believes that system is going to prevent pipe collisions.  Other systems are intricately complicated, but still bad.  Picture a piece of rope with a basic, drop in a ditch shrink sleeve on it, now put on some metal banding to hold that shrink sleeve in place.  Then put another shrink sleeve on top of that metal banding.  Crazy, because you’ve put products on a pipeline that are designed to withstand the forces of road bore AND you’ve introduced a metal band on your pipeline. 

  Our system has been proven (going in and coming out) and uses only products that are specifically designed to withstand road bore forces.  With abrasion resistance, penetration resistance, shear and impact resistance values that are top of the line, you will be able to rest easy knowing that you’ve done all you can do to get an undamaged pipeline in place prior to it going into service.  

All pipe surfaces to be involved in this application must be free of all oils, dust, dirt, mud or any other substance that would reduce or prevent a proper bond.
Using a propane torch, preheat all pipe surfaces to a temperature between 140F and 160F.  The primary reason for this is that the warm pipe surface allows the efficient use of the epoxy.  A cold pipe will use much more epoxy than is really necessary and will lead to an epoxy shortage as the job proceeds.

After the pipe has been preheated; quickly wrap the appropriately sized bumpers around the pipe right next to one another.  Secure them in place using a small amount of duct tape (included in the box). 

Mix and apply the S1301M Epoxy (quickly before the pipe cools down).  Everything you need is included in this kit:  Part A, Part B, Mixing Stick, Applicator Pad and latex gloves if necessary.  Apply the epoxy in a thin coat covering all parts of the pipe that will be in contact with the shrink sleeve.  It is not necessary to have epoxy between the bumper and the pipe.

Wrap the main (wider) shrink sleeve around the pipe (quickly, before the epoxy has cured) and center it on the bumpers.  Secure the closure strip using the propane torch and a gloved hand.  This will form the sleeve into the shape of a tube and hold it in the shape of a tube during the shrink process.  Note: the sleeve will wrap around the bumper AND overlap onto itself by at least a few inches.

Using the propane torch, begin shrink the sleeve.  The torch should be at  a setting that provides a broad, bushy, yellow flame.  Begin by shrink the sleeve directly on top of the bumpers.  You will begin to see the profile of the bumper showing through.

Next, install the 3” wide leading edge strip.  This will be positioned on the ‘front’ end of the shrink sleeve you’ve just installed.  When centered over that edge; it should be half on the just installed (still hot) shrink sleeve – and half on the still not fully cured S1301M epoxy that you applied previously.  Secure the closure and shrink the sleeve just as you did with the larger sleeve.

As necessary, using the silicone roller; roll the leading edge strip that you’ve just installed and the overlap area of both sleeves.  If you experienced any air entrapment during installation, use the roller to push that out as well.

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